Club News & Updates

Summer Soccer Camp Registration is Open!

Here is some info you can type directly into this box without it needing to be made as a post. The rest of the page will be filled with posts from your website. 

Creating and sharing new content is easy. 

Leagues and Associations can change this box based on the time of year and what is important at that time. For example, if your summer camp registration is opening it would make sense to fill this box with information about the new registration happening. 


Register here:

Important Message For TUSC Members

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Academy Program Now Available!

This is where a preview of the content from the post will be shown on the page. You can strategically add in important information to the top if you want it to show on the home page.

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Latest Post

Latest Post

This is where a preview of the content from the post will be shown on the page. You can strategically add in important information to the top if you want it to show on the home page.

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